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Our new Braford bull

Our new Braford bull was delivered to Cheslyn Rise on Saturday morning.  His name is Maus, because he's quiet as a mouse.  So far he has lived up to his name.  He looked a bit worried when he got of the truck and he did a few circles of the yard, but he didn't get agro at us.  Then the girls came over to see him and he got very excited.  The final photo is the face he made when he smelt the cows.  He is six year old and came from a friend who also breeds Brafords, although he's originally from a stud.  Its a bit scary having a bull in the paddock now, so we hope he stays quiet for us!


  1. Yay Linni! That's great! Love the bull Liz but I would be nervous too. I'm nervous around cows, they're so big!

  2. Oh congratulations Linn. I am also nervous around cows, but I am sure that bull is going to be so happy he wont be bothering you!

  3. Love your new bull, Maus, very deserving of much respect.... we have a 4yo Charolais bull, Curly, who is very quiet and compliant but big and I am very careful of him and his space. He only has 8 girls but seems content. Love to see dogs and chooks getting along together. Joy

  4. Hahahaha! Maus smell ladies... ;)

    I haven't been able to read as many blogs these days so completely missed your Neem oil giveaway. I imagine that I'm a bit too far away for it anyway but have to say that Neem is amazing! Not only is is a good insect deterrent but it's also good for treating eczema, psoriasis, and other skin issues. In fact I posted about making a cream from it earlier this summer.

    Congratulations to the winner...I'm sure the litre will come in handy :)

  5. He looks impressive!

  6. He is a handsome fellow and looks like he will pass on those gentics and give you some nice calfs.

  7. Sounds like a great arrangement you made with the the Bradford breeder. Maus looks like a good specimen to have in your new line. Do you think you will bring in another bull to replace Maus at some point?

    Not sure what it's like for cows, but I know in poultry there are a lot of sick chicken stock around because of a lot of inbreeding. I try not to keep the same rooster after he's sired 2 generations, and then it's onto a new rooster outside the gene pool.

  8. Wow Maus is huge. My best bull advice is never get complacent. He looks like he knows what to do.

  9. Thanks everyone. Maus has remained very calm and we've had no trouble with him, although we always make sure we know where he is when we are with the cattle. We will probably keep him for at least a couple of years and if we decide to keep his daughters at any stage, we will have to look at getting a different bull when they are old enough to breed. Fortunately there are a few people around our area that keep Brafords, so its easy enough to swap the bulls around.


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