See also How to use a chicken tractor and How to build a chicken tractor and chicken tractor guest post . Sign up for my weekly email updates here , you will find out more about chickens, soap and our farmlife, straight to your inbox, never miss a post! New soap website and shop opening soon.... When we first started with chickens, we had an old stable with a tack room, and converted that into a chicken coop, with long star-pickets and chicken mesh used to make a run. As we got more chickens, we kept having to make the run bigger so they would have somewhere the scratch. Its amazing how quickly a few chickens can demolish a run full of grass. We used to let them out before we went to work, but then a few things happened. First the dog started helping herself to chickens (we’d come home to find a very “sorry” dog and a chicken is varying stages of being eaten). Then the chickens started crossing the road and scuffing up the neighbour’s gard...