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Liebster award for blogs I love to read....

I've only been blogging since last Nov, I thought it would be fun to record things that we do, but in the process I've discovered some really interesting and inspirational blogs as well, and that's really turned out to be the best part.  So I'm especially honoured that someone else has discovered MY blog and given me the Liebster blog award.  This award seems to have been circulating the blogging world for a while, I supposed its a bit of a chain letter, but I think its a fun opportunity to tell you about some of the blogs that I enjoy.

This award is given to bloggers with under 200 followers. Here are the rules:

1. Thank the giver and link back to them.

Thank you Bruise Mouse!  I love your blog too, I especially love your passion for reducing waste through recyclingcomposting, reducing consumption etc, because that's one of my interests too.  Bruise Mouse is also half-responsible for the Sow Grow Give initiative, which is such a great idea for spreading seeds and seedling and encouraging backyard gardens!  I encourage you to join, where-ever you are!  

See Living a Little Greener for Bruise Mouse's list of favourite blogs, I don't want to repeat any of them, even though I follow most of them too, so I've chosen some different ones, its been tricky!  

2. Reveal your 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.

Calidore - I love to see the gardening successes on this blog, especially when my garden isn't going so well!  And some gorgeous knitting craft, makes me want to learn more, as well as some great perspectives on sustainability and self-sufficiency.

Backward Leonard- Apart from the author having a very cool name (Liz), the fun part about this blog is watching someone do similar things (gardening, chickens, firewood chopping) on the other side of the world with opposite seasons.

Craving Fresh - I love this because Emma is trying to feed her family healthy fresh food, she's trying to grow some of it herself in a rental house, and also have some great ideas for reducing consumption in general.  Also, she's in Wellington, New Zealand, where I grew up, so the photos of her backyard remind me of my childhood!

Greening the Rose - Rose has a lovely vege garden and some great green ideas, but the thing that's got me reading lately is her project in which she is tracking the ownership and ingredients of common foods, it has been revealing to say the least!

Vegetable Vagabond - This is a new one that I have only followed for a little while, but there's so much information on her blog, I'm looking forward to reading more....

3. Copy and paste award to your blog.

4. Have faith that your followers will pass the love to other bloggers.
I have faith!

5. And most of all, have Bloggity-blog fun.


  1. Thank you, thank you! It's kind of funny that people find my boring ole life...not so boring! But then again, I love reading about other people's boring ole lives. Thanks for this. :-)

  2. Thank you so much Liz, I worked out how to put it on my blog.


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Thanks, I appreciate all your comments, suggestions and questions, but I don't always get time to reply right away. If you need me to reply personally to a question, please leave your email address in the comment or in your profile, or email me directly on eight.acres.liz at

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