If you have a civilized city flock of hens, you might not have had the pleasure of watching a rooster looking after his girls. Both our roosters pay the hens close attention, they can usually be seen wandering around the yard with at least one or two hens following. Whenever the rooster finds something to eat he has a special cluck to call his ladies over to share the treat. He has another call to warn of danger, and he goes running to any hen that calls out in trouble. One of our roosters used to wait each evening until all his hens were up on the roost before he would jump up to sleep there too. Roosters can be over protective to the point that it can be difficult to collect the eggs without being attacked on entry to the pens. None of ours are that bad at the moment, but we have been attacked a couple of times when we got too close, so it pays to stay a healthy distance in case they get the wrong idea. However, one rooster we had used to play "chicken" with the dog, I could never tell if the rooster was enjoying the game, but Cheryl sure was, they would run at each other and see who turned back first, I think Chez had a few pecks to the nose as a result, but her tail never stopped wagging.
Sometimes I wonder if the roosters really are, or in fact even should be, the leaders of the flock. They seem to be less intelligent than the hens, or possibly they don't see as well, its hard to tell. They are ALWAYS the last to to figure out how to get out of the cage when I open the door. After all the hens are out and pecking around in the grass, the rooster is calling out to them and still trying to figure it out, sometimes for several minutes.
We usually keep several roosters for our breeding program, at the moment we have three, each with a small flock of 3-4 hens, and at times we have even more if we're raising cockerels to eat as well. The roosters have to be kept separate as they have a habit of FIGHTING TO THE DEATH if they get close enough to each other. Our three roosters are separated by chicken mesh fences, but this doesn't stop them challenging each other. I'm not sure if they have really short memories, but they seem to be really surprised to see each other each time they are out of their cages. On an almost daily basis, Randy the Rhode Island Red will spot Ivan the White Leghorn on the other side of the fence and launch an attack. This involves running at full speed toward the fence. Anyone who has seen a rooster running at full speed will know how funny this looks, head down, tail up, wings aerodynamically folded down and the lurch from side to side that only happens at high speed. When they get to the fence they face each other and mirror each other's movements, bobbing up and down, eyes locked, until one of them, usually Ivan, loses interest and wanders away. Randy then spends several minutes patrolling up and down the fence and calling out to the other rooster (probably calling him chicken), until he realises that he looks like a fool and wanders away too. If the fence wasn't there, the resulting fight (and we have a had a few when roosters have sneaked around/through the fence) involves much frenzied wing-flapping and kicking. Once separated, the roosters are often bleeding from their combs, panting heavily, but determined to continue the fight at the first opportunity (did I mention that they're stupid?).
I know people that keep multiple roosters in contact with each other, but we have not been able to do that with the Rhode Island Red roosters, they're always too aggressive. However, when he are raising cockerels to eat, we can keep 6-8 of them in a cage together. At first we used to let them out to free range, but they started fighting when they were let out. We found that they didn't fight when they were in close quarters together, only when they were let out, so that was the end of free-ranging the cockerels.
Roosters are well known for their crowing at dawn, however this is a fallacy, our roosters crow all day, replying to each other and to neighbour's roosters, although they are most vocal at dawn. They also occasionally crow during the night is we have a particularly full moon. Usually this doesn't affect my sleep, but sometimes we unfortunately position the cages so that they channel the sound towards our bedroom window. The other problems is the occasions when I forget to lock up the chickens at night time. We are usually alerted to this mistake by early morning clucking around our window and then the rooster will start crowing. I don't know if he knows where we are, but he always seems to find that outside our window is a great place to crow. He also likes the carport, I think he finds the acoustics pleasing. If its a weekday morning, this results in both of us jumping out of bed and rushing outside to attempt to herd the chickens back to their cage so that they will be safely locked away (from the elderly killer Kelpie dogs) while we're at work. If you've tried to herd chickens, you will know that they don't herd well, actually we find it ends up being more effective to lure them back to their cage with food, often meat scraps or bread will coax most of them back inside.
The first crows of a young cockerel are quite unnerving. The first time we raised a clutch of chicks and they were old enough to go outside in a cage, after a few nights I heard the strangest sound, like something was being strangled out in the paddock. It was ones of those wide-awake - ohmygodwhatwasthat? - moments, but luckily my husband stayed calm and collected, "its just the baby rooster" he mumbled, half asleep. Over the next few days the cries got louder and more like a proper crow, its interesting now to hear the crows develop, each is slightly different and we can recognise each rooster by his crow.
Roosters have a habit of getting up high. I don't know if this makes them feel bigger, better able to survey the terrain or they just like climbing, but I will often look out the window to see them crowing from the top of a hay pile, the kitchen steps or anything else they can find. My husband had a particularly nasty rooster (who was eaten before I had a chance to meet him) that apparently had a personal vendetta against my husband. On several occasions, my husband would look out the window to find himself face to face with this rooster that had climbed (most like hopping and half-flying) half way up a trestle that my husband was using to paint the house. Needless to say, this rooster didn't last long!
Any good rooster stories?
The right corner: Ivan the White Leghorn - check out that beautiful tail! |
And in the left corner: Randy the Rhode Is Red - Ivan's arch enemy |
We usually keep several roosters for our breeding program, at the moment we have three, each with a small flock of 3-4 hens, and at times we have even more if we're raising cockerels to eat as well. The roosters have to be kept separate as they have a habit of FIGHTING TO THE DEATH if they get close enough to each other. Our three roosters are separated by chicken mesh fences, but this doesn't stop them challenging each other. I'm not sure if they have really short memories, but they seem to be really surprised to see each other each time they are out of their cages. On an almost daily basis, Randy the Rhode Island Red will spot Ivan the White Leghorn on the other side of the fence and launch an attack. This involves running at full speed toward the fence. Anyone who has seen a rooster running at full speed will know how funny this looks, head down, tail up, wings aerodynamically folded down and the lurch from side to side that only happens at high speed. When they get to the fence they face each other and mirror each other's movements, bobbing up and down, eyes locked, until one of them, usually Ivan, loses interest and wanders away. Randy then spends several minutes patrolling up and down the fence and calling out to the other rooster (probably calling him chicken), until he realises that he looks like a fool and wanders away too. If the fence wasn't there, the resulting fight (and we have a had a few when roosters have sneaked around/through the fence) involves much frenzied wing-flapping and kicking. Once separated, the roosters are often bleeding from their combs, panting heavily, but determined to continue the fight at the first opportunity (did I mention that they're stupid?).
ah ha! there he is, now if I can just get through this fence we can sort it out once and for all! |
Roosters are well known for their crowing at dawn, however this is a fallacy, our roosters crow all day, replying to each other and to neighbour's roosters, although they are most vocal at dawn. They also occasionally crow during the night is we have a particularly full moon. Usually this doesn't affect my sleep, but sometimes we unfortunately position the cages so that they channel the sound towards our bedroom window. The other problems is the occasions when I forget to lock up the chickens at night time. We are usually alerted to this mistake by early morning clucking around our window and then the rooster will start crowing. I don't know if he knows where we are, but he always seems to find that outside our window is a great place to crow. He also likes the carport, I think he finds the acoustics pleasing. If its a weekday morning, this results in both of us jumping out of bed and rushing outside to attempt to herd the chickens back to their cage so that they will be safely locked away (from the elderly killer Kelpie dogs) while we're at work. If you've tried to herd chickens, you will know that they don't herd well, actually we find it ends up being more effective to lure them back to their cage with food, often meat scraps or bread will coax most of them back inside.
The first crows of a young cockerel are quite unnerving. The first time we raised a clutch of chicks and they were old enough to go outside in a cage, after a few nights I heard the strangest sound, like something was being strangled out in the paddock. It was ones of those wide-awake - ohmygodwhatwasthat? - moments, but luckily my husband stayed calm and collected, "its just the baby rooster" he mumbled, half asleep. Over the next few days the cries got louder and more like a proper crow, its interesting now to hear the crows develop, each is slightly different and we can recognise each rooster by his crow.
Roosters have a habit of getting up high. I don't know if this makes them feel bigger, better able to survey the terrain or they just like climbing, but I will often look out the window to see them crowing from the top of a hay pile, the kitchen steps or anything else they can find. My husband had a particularly nasty rooster (who was eaten before I had a chance to meet him) that apparently had a personal vendetta against my husband. On several occasions, my husband would look out the window to find himself face to face with this rooster that had climbed (most like hopping and half-flying) half way up a trestle that my husband was using to paint the house. Needless to say, this rooster didn't last long!
Any good rooster stories?
By the way, my chicken eBook is now available if you want to know more about backyard chickens and using chicken tractors. More information over at the chicken tractor ebook blog. Or you can get it directly from my shop on Etsy (.pdf format), or Amazon Kindle
or just send me an email eight.acres.liz {at} gmail.com.
What's the eBook about?
Chickens in a confined coop can end up living in an unpleasant dust-bowl, but allowing chickens to free-range can result in chickens getting into gardens and expose them to predators.
A movable cage or “chicken tractor” is the best of both options – the chickens are safe, have access to clean grass, fresh air and bugs. Feed costs are reduced, chickens are happier, and egg production increases.
But how do you build a chicken tractor? What aspects should be considered in designing and using a chicken tractor effectively? In this eBook I aim to explain how to make a chicken tractor work for you in your environment to meet your goals for keeping chickens.
I also list what I have learnt over 10 years of keeping chickens in tractors of various designs and sizes, from hatching chicks, through to butchering roosters.
Reviews of the Design and Use a Chicken Tractor
I find roosters and their hens a total waste of time...I just love watching their antics instead of doing what ever it is I should be doing!
ReplyDeleteI am hoping in the future we will keep a rooster, but not yet (being novices to chicken keeping) and not likely in suburbia. I find them so fascinating, and think one of our baby roosters, Bossy Beak, was so clever when he started crowing at such a young age and was so rooster-like so early... a prodigy if you will! Roosters are damn good looking fellas too, aren't they... the chickens we def. know are roosters are two Light Sussex, and they are gorgeous black & white ladies men! Unless someone wants them to breed with, sadly (for them) they'll be Toasted Chicken Wraps soon enough. I told the kids we'd have Rooster Soup, and strangely enough they didn't seem too keen on that!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing tales of your roosters, I love reading things like this!
we have a rooster and he really helps keep the ladies together. It is fun to watch their antics on a lazy hot summer day. Visiting you from Barn Hop!
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed this. A really well written piece!
ReplyDeleteLike Dixiebelle, I'm in suburbia, so the times we inadvertently raised rooster chicks were a time of great angst. Fortunately, we were able to rehouse all of them. Now, the rule is to only buy sexed chicks!
I have never had either of our roosters stop us entering the pen. For that matter I think our girls pretty much ignore all signals from George and do their own thing. Actually I think George is a bit dim as he doesn't seem to catch on all that quick as to what is happening at times....vbg. Henry - James's rooster, and in a very separate pen in another part of the garden - crows day and night - try 2 am in the morning. It doesn't worry me and it is concerns the neighbours that's their problem - they aren't super nice...wicked grin. Regardless of the noise I wouldn't get rid of either of our "boys".
ReplyDeleteSadly, I knew the fox had visited us when there was silence at 5.30am in the morning. We have one left and he was was working the three remaining girls way too hard (lots of bare backs) so four new girls have arrived and hopefully this will ease the pressure on the old girls. I agree, they aren't too bright! We lost a rooster in town Calidore - we swear it was the neighbours!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like everyone loves their roosters and hens just like we do! We call it "chicken TV" when we sit on the veranda and watch their antics in the yard :)
ReplyDeleteI don't believe you see the true behaviour of a flock of chickens till you have a rooster. Hopefully one day everyone in the suburbs will be allowed to keep roosters. Perhaps we could have rooster friendly suburbs?
ReplyDeleteThis is perfect:) I am seriously loving your post! It is so informative and I think my subscribers would really enjoy reading this. I would love for you to come share it at Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways on Frugally Sustainable (http://frugallysustainable.blogspot.com/2011/11/frugal-days-sustainable-ways-2.html). I really hope that you will put Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways on your list of carnivals to visit and link to each Wednesday!
Andrea @ Frugally Sustainable
Here's the link: http://www.frugallysustainable.com
We've gone through a few roosters as I don't take kindly to being attacked when my back is turned. The roo we have now is a Bantam rooster. He's got two banty hens with him, but he thinks he's the boss of the full sized chickens as well. He's very amusing and is a pretty good rooster.
ReplyDeleteThe 1st roo we had was "looking out for #1" type of roo. We had a dog attack and almost all of the hens (about 15) were either killed or hurt pretty badly. The only one who escaped any type of hurt was the roo. I wonder what happened? Did he run and hide at the 1st hint of danger?