This month I'm joining the Garden Share Collective , which was started last month by Lizzie from Strayed from the Table , to allow vege gardeners to share their successes and failures and generally encourage everyone to grow more of their own food organically. This first month, I'll give a detailed update on everything that's growing in my garden, for anyone who hasn't been following for long. I'll do my normal farm update on Tuesday as well. If you've just joined me, welcome to my vege garden. I recently wrote about gardening in our sub-tropical climate , so if you're wondering about the huge shade structure, that's for protecting the garden during our hot, humid summers. At the moment though, the garden is full of brassicas, which grow best here in winter, and are suitably frost-proof. The garden is about 12 m long by 5 m wide, and surrounded in chicken mesh to keep out the chickens and the bandicoots. The garden has spilled out around the edg...