I'm still here! I just got distracted by making a new soap website and I couldn't decide where to post this. But I'm not ready to move just yet. I wanted to show you my pot garden as I've been pleasantly surprised by what I can grow (in winter anyway). We are going to build a proper garden and set up the aquaponics, but other things need to be done first and meanwhile my pot collection keeps growing every time I go to our monthly share meeting and come home with another herb! Celery, peas, winter savory and parsley I have my collection of pots stacked on my potting table, which is the size of a sheet of mesh - I think its 2m by 3m or so. And I have more pots underneath. The worm farms are up top as well. It seems to be good for the shade-loving plants, like mints, yarrow and strawberries to be down below in the partial shade. I really like the location, it is between the house and the shed, so every time we go to the shed or to the ...