In 2013 I interviewed chicken flocksters on different sized properties, from suburban blocks to small farms, in four different countries, about getting started with chickens. This was a continuation from my first series of interviews about “ getting started with growing your own ”. One thing was the same in every interview, everyone loves watching their chickens! I really enjoyed reading these interviews, so I hope you did too. It is interesting to read about how people keep their chickens (and other poultry) and why they make those decisions, with lots of great advice for new chicken keepers too. Here are all the interviews: Ohiofarm Girl of Adventure in the Goodland (USA) Gavin from the Greening of Gavin (Aust) Madeleine from NZ Eco Chick (NZ) Tanya of Lovely Greens (UK) Adam and Amy from Sustainaburbia (Aust) Linda from Greenhaven (Aust) And my interview with myself (Aust) I'm looking forward to more chicken discussions... By the way, my ch...