I'm starting this because since we have been having a go at lots of different self-sufficient activities on our little 8 acre property, we have got stuck on lots of little problems, and I want to share them with others and see if we can help to inspire others and get some help for ourselves at times too!
At the moment my husband and I share our block with two steers:
Rocket |
Bruce |
Three roosters and lots of hens:
Hector (the eldest Rhode Is Red Rooster) |
Ivan (our beautiful new White Leghorn Rooster) |
Randy (our younger Rhode Is Red Rooster - with some of the girls) |
And one lazy, crazy Kelpie:
Cheryl the Spoilt Kelpie |
When we have time, between feeding all the animals and building fences and cages for them, we also keep a large vege garden:
Vege garden (currently a perfect slug habitat) |
At the moment, just in time for Christmas, we also have a "flock" of four turkeys, which are most unusual animals:
I hope this gives you an idea of the kind of issues I want to write about, everything from organic vege gardening, chicken care, egg hatching and chick rearing, turkey roasting on our woodstove and sausage making. We'll have a go at anything once, and it always helps to know someone else who's had a go before you start. I hope that this will be a source of advice and inspiration for others who want to have a go too.
If you've just found my blog, welcome, please say "hello" and tell me a bit about yourself....
no experience raising turkeys but we are cooking one today i shall let you know how that goes :) looking forward to reading about your adventures in animal/vegetable husbandry.