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We moved house!

Can you believe it!?  After owning our 258 acre property Cheslyn Rise at Kumbia for about five years and working on the house here for nearly four years, we had a week off work before Easter to get things ready and we finally moved in!  We have no couches (order is coming in to the shop any day now) and there are boxes everywhere, but we are loving it here.

We built a yard to keep the dogs on the property (and not wandering away to round up other people's cattle), we moved all the chickens and the chicken tractors on the car trailer and we have nearly everything we need here.  Except for internet.  We are just using mobile data at the moment, so I might not blog much until we get that sorted again.  The NBN are "updating their website" as our property does not come up in the fixed wireless zone, but when I checked the map our house is in the zone, just not the entire property, so they said they can change that, but I don't know how long it will take and then we will have to wait for an installer to be available etc.

When I have internet again I really want to make some videos to show you around the house and our property, as its hard to get it all into photso, but in the meantime, I'll be loading a few photos on facebook and instagram.

Of course the work doesn't stop!  Now instead of driving from Nanango to Kumbia every weekend to work on our house.... we will we driving from Kumbia to Nanango to work on our house!  The house at Nanango needs a bit of work to tidy up, there are still holes in the wall from before we moved in, we just never go around to fixing stuff when we lived there.  We have some more painting and landscaping to do here at Kumbia and then we will finally get our solar bore and orchard happening.

You know the one thing I miss the MOST?  My garden!  When we pop back to Nanango to pick up more stuff, I pop into the garden and pick kale and parsley and turn on the sprinkler (no point leaving all that rainwater for the new owners).  We will set up some raised garden beds eventually, but in the meantime I have six large pots filled with potting mix and ready to plant, what would you put in six pots if that was all you could grow?  We have a mild winter, I'm trying to think what would produce the most food from a small space.

See you all again very soon xo

first angus calf of the season
pete checking the bees

My new solar-powered-outdoor-clothes-airer - with Taz photobomb

two of last season's weaner calves - now only a short walk away to check on them

Gus helping with unpacking

Chicken tractors in their new location

lunches when we're on holiday
Three cows left at Nanango and enjoying some rare green grass for now
until we get a chance to move them


  1. Congratulations on your achievement so far. Hope you get a chance in amongst all the busyness to let it soak in! Good luck with the NBN - it brought us fixed wireless after having satellite. Our lives changed!

  2. A few years but what a nice house and well built.

  3. That's amazing, you guys!! Well done. All that work has finally brought a win, even if there's more work to do. The fenced area is a sensible idea, and brings less worry of the dogs wandering off. Especially as they get accustomed to the place as home turf.

    I reckon I'd miss my garden too. If I had pots, at this time of year, I'd focus on leafy greens, such as tatsoi and silverbeet. You want fast growers, in the short time frame you have, before winter sets in. I'd want parsley, coriander and spring onions too. Or whatever herbs you like to cook with, during winter.

    If the budget allows, you might want to buy some bigger plants too. Gives an instant effect, for the loss of your garden, and also closes that gap between the winter freeze approaching too. Anyway, have fun settling in. :)

  4. Congratulations! What a beautiful home...think the fence is a really wise idea. I would miss my garden too, Liz, if I had to move to a place without one. In the pots I'd put silverbeet, spring onion, thyme (for all those winter stews). Looking forward to seeing more photos of your new place. Meg:)

  5. Beans will grow well in pots and give you a good return at harvest time, some of the squashs will grow well in pots too. Nice to see you have moved

  6. It looks so beautiful. And now you've got the fun job of starting your gardens.

  7. Congratulations Liz. It is nice to finally reach such a milestone after all the planning and work isn't it?

  8. Oh so glad to hear your finally in! Congratualtions on all your hard work, it looks just beautiful. I still miss my old garden, soon I am told. Soon Grant will help me with the physical side of it all.


  9. Yes!! At last. Not sure what you would have done without Gus helping though.

  10. How exciting! Well done and big congratulations to you and Pete. This is what hard work, good sense and determination can achieve. How far away from your old property at Nanango are you now?

  11. I love your house, Liz. Now don't forget which box you put your soapmaking equipment to get your priorities right. LOL! I think I would also plant some silverbeet and whatever herbs you use regularly.

  12. Congratulations Liz on moving in to your "new" place. I am so looking forward to the photos. Make sure you take cuttings of all the plants you will miss. I would plant any greens and first use them as microgreens and let some grow to full size.

  13. Great to see you've moved. Can't wait to see a video of the place and what you'll going to do with it!

  14. Congratulations! The house looks gorgeous, just need a rocking chair on the verandah, I can picture you there with the dogs at your feet (yeah like you have time now! 😉). A blank canvas to play with and plan for the garden, what fun!


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