Earlier this year we hatched two batches of chicks. From the first batch we got one pullet and two cockerels, all White Leghorns. From the the second batch we got five cockerels and three pullets, one each was Rhode Is Red and the rest White Leghorns. They have been living outside for a while now, one batch in each cage. Its nearly time now for the pullets to join the full grown hens in the big cages. Its never a good idea to put one hen into a cage with other hens that she doesn't know, particularly when the majority are larger, as she'll get picked on, so we decided to rearrange the babies now so they can get to know each other early on and join the big girls as a group of four - safety in numbers! So we now have a pen of pullets and a pen of cockerels. Six little cockerels getting fat (and feisty) for the pot Four shy hens getting to know each other before the join the main flock We are only getting 3-4 eggs a day...