One Straw Revolution - An Introduction to Natural Farming was published in 1978, a collection of Masanobu Fukuoka's writing translated into English by Larry Korn , who had spent time on Mr Fukuoka's farm. The most recent edition (2009) also includes an introduction by Frances Moore Lappe , and preface by Wendell Berry . ( Excellent podcast interview with Larry Korn about One Straw Revolution here , in which he explains that natural farming is complimentary to permaculture, but not the same thing) (photo source) One Straw Revolution describes Mr Fukuoka's invention and practice of what he calls "Natural Farming", or "do-nothing farming". The basic concept is to work with nature rather than against it, but not to abandon it completely to the wild. Natural farming has only four rules: No cultivation of soil No chemical fertiliser or prepared compost No weeding by tillage or herbicide No dependence on chemicals If you are starting from eit...