I know its not quite October yet, but I have some special plans for October, so there will be no time for updates! I suppose its natural that spring would be a busy month, but it seems like I've got so much to write this time! Unfortunately we have had no rain in September (so far!), but there must be enough moisture in the soil as the grass is getting greener. I have finally harvested broccoli and we'll just keep taking small florets from this one The frost damaged Poor Mans Bean has recovered and is thriving, soon to take over my garden fence once again! I returned from a trip to the parents-in-law with a stash of tomato seedlings and a couple of basil plants that just self-seed in their garden. Herbs in pot (escape risks - mint and oregano, and thyme) Rosemary, sage, capsicum (survived the frost) and pathetic looking lettuce. Aloe plants that used to live in a small pot, time to plant out, and part of another experiment with ferment...