“Just the duck’s nuts” is a common slang term in Australia and New Zealand , meaning “the best”, for example, “that hotel was just the ducks nuts, it had everything we needed within walking distance”. In Australia there is also the child-friendly version “just the duck’s GUTS”. Until recently I thought that the meaning of this saying was the irony of ducks not having nuts, similar to “the bees knees”, and the guts version didn’t make sense because duck obviously do have guts. And then I was reading my chicken book and realised that chickens and ducks do have nuts. Oops. Turns out the large white bits that I thought were lungs are actually testicles (see my post on homekill chicken )! They are huge compared to the size of the rooster, and they are tucked up inside the cavity, so I had no idea, I just pull out all the bits and don't really know where they come from. (And I have been leaving the lungs in the cavity, not sure if it really matters,...