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Slow Living farm update - December 2014

November is over and I'm joining in the Slow Living Monthly Ninestarted by Christine at Slow Living Essentials and currently hosted by Linda at Greenhaven.  Here's what we got up to November in our "slow life"!

We had another fun morning at the Nanango markets and come home with lots of local food - a box of apples from Stanthorpe, a braid of chemical-free garlic from down the road, bananas from Wamuran, blueberries from Mullumbimby, chevon (goat meat) from Gympie, corn and potatoes from the Lockyer Valley, olives from Murgon, mangoes from Northern Territory (oops, that's not local, but they were a nice treat), and lots lots more

I've been sewing on buttons, mending holes and adjusting hems.  I think these are all very useful skills and its good to practice them, I've been sharing a few tips along the way.  I'm looking forward to taking on some larger sewing projects once I have my mending out of the way.

I stopped at the op shop (charity store) to get Pete some t-shirts and picked up a few things for myself.  I still can't believe the expensive, unused or nearly new clothes that people give away.  I am comfortable shopping there because I know my money goes to charity and there are plenty of clothes to go around, so I'm not taking from those who can't afford new clothes.  I actually prefer shopping there and find new clothes shopping overwhelming, with too much choice of colour, styles and sizes, at the op shop if it looks ok and fits, I'll take it!

We saw a goanna and a koala at our property all on one hot Sunday morning, so we are feeling pretty good about all the trees and the critters that are hiding in them (although we would prefer that the goannas stayed in the trees, we had to wait for it to move on before we could get out of the car!).


We have been making slow progress on our solar bore pump, mainly due to the weather, which by they way, has been hot and dry.  We spent two hours digging a hole in mid-30degC heat, and only got down 700 mm.  The next weekend was cooler (only 30 degC!) and we managed to concrete a slab around the bore and another around the pole for the solar panel frame.  Its exciting to see it getting close to being completely installed.

I haven't had much time for community this month, apart from blogging, and I am really enjoying some of the discussions on my Eight Acres - the blog facebook page, so if you haven't joined it, come over and have a look.

You might notice a theme here, for the past three months Pete and I have been researching beekeeping.  We have bought books, got books from the library, downloaded books, listened to podcasts, bought a load of old beekeeping gear, observed native bees and we are thoroughly enjoying the process of discovering bees!  We even visited honey producers while on holiday in New Zealand!

 We had 10 days in NZ and it was lovely and cool and so GREEN (more photos here).  But it was nice to be home too, you can't leave these two cuties behind for long (we are so lucky that Pete's dad was able to stay and look after the dogs and all the animals, it makes the holiday even more relaxing to know they are hanging out with their Pa).

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Also Chris from Living at Gully Grove has started a lovely new blog to document their move into town: Small Virtues

How was your November?  What are your plans for December?


  1. It sounds like life has been busy. Lucky you, a goanna and a koala. We wouldn't mind having bees one day, they would complement a nice big vege garden. One day we will have a yard big enough or something more.

  2. I would love some bees someday too. We already have a goanna. Well he just pops in from time to time for a visit. We can usually tell where he is by the racket the birds make as he gets around up and down trees looking for their eggs. Isn’t it great to have someone who is happy to look after your animals while you are away. My wonderful neighbour Liza looked after my dog every time I had to go away to hospital this year. She is a real treasure.

  3. Really enjoyed seeing the last few pics of you and the dogs. Cuddle time is serious business. ;)

    Curious to know why you couldn't get out of the car until the goanna left - is it because they might think you are a tree and try climbing you? All the goannas we've encountered, won't let us go near them. They run, run, RUN away! In the past I've worried they might see me as a tree too, but its never been the case. They hear me coming and run. I never get close enough.

    Good luck with the new bee adventure, and thanks for mentioning my new blog. :)

  4. Oh my, it looks and sounds so hot and dry up your way! Having lived in Tassie for 7 years, I'm a bit spoilt for green paddocks and cool weather, although its a tad too cool over winter!
    I do agree with your thoughts on op shopping for clothes - I've just never felt comfortable in a new clothing shop. They just seem a bit uppity and starched (clothes and girls!) and besides its just so much fun finding a special garment or a barely used one amongst all the cast offs! Its like a lucky dip!!

  5. And thanks so much for your lovely comment on my blog - its nice to connect!

  6. Wow, I had to stop and look up a goanna because that looked scary! Koalas sound much cuter! I too am a thrift/op/charity shop denizen and have been know to buy long skirts and men's shirts for the fabric in them, they make great soft scrap quilts. In the dead of winter as we are, it is fun to read about fresh veg and gardens, knowing my weeds are all cold and dead (probably just hibernating and forming plans to take over the garden next summer!) Lovely to read about your month!

  7. I have not heard of a goanna either, I'm glad they don't run around in our backyard :). Your holiday souns perfect I hope you came home relaxed and refreshed. I love a charity shop too! Hope you get your solar pump sorted soon.


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